National Hospital Week is something that we celebrate every year at this time. Yet, this year it really is taking on more significance. In many parts of the country frontline workers at hospitals are still very much in the midst of battling COVID-19. More than 6 million people in the country are employed by hospitals and healthcare systems. This is a great time to step back and say thanks to all of them - those actively treating patients and those behind the scenes making everything run smoothly.
At Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System we did just that earlier this week in a number of ways, including this ad that ran in several community publications.

Wherever you are, please take some time to say "thank you" to the healthcare workers in your area this week by posting on social media, sending a card, making a donation or doing whatever feels right to you. Your support and words of encouragement will go so far.

More information on Hospital Week from the American Hospital Association
National Hospital Week 2020 highlights the adage of every hospital, health system and person involved in keeping our communities healthy – that health comes first.
Now more than ever, this important week gives us all the opportunity to highlight our hospitals, health systems and health care workers and the innovative ways they are supporting the needs of their community members during this pandemic.
With that in mind, this year’s celebration of hospitals, health systems and health care workers is taking the form of “A Week of Thanks,” where people can participate from the safety and comfort of their homes while health care heroes go to work fighting against COVID-19.
